image by our lovely ambassador @sophiabkirk

We spoke with real food advocate Kath Younger, RD (a.k.a. @katheats) about eating while in self-quarantine. Here are her top tips to stay healthy and on track!

What are the top foods to boost the immune system?

The best diet for your immune system is one that includes a diverse rainbow of fruits and vegetables. The more colorful the better! But a few superfoods to note:

  1. Yogurt for its probiotics
  2. Mushrooms and shellfish for their selenium
  3. Citrus packed with vitamin C
  4. Almonds for their vitamin E
  5. Garlic for allicin with antibacterial and anti fungal properties

Splendid Tip: Have you tried our Wellness Shots yet? Wellness Shots are an easy way to boost nutrition and immunity in one sip. A combination of ginger, oregano oil, lemon and orange, they are anti-inflammatory, aid in digestion, improve energy and support a strong immune system.

While staying at home many people snack more frequently, what are the healthy snacks they can eat?

Try to choose snacks that are 100% real food. Choosing whole foods instead of packaged foods will help with this. Pair carbs with fat and/or protein to keep you full longer. So rather than having just an apple, add a few almonds or choose a full or low-fat yogurt which contains carbs, protein and fat.

Splendid Tip: Check out some tips from our founder, Nicole, for navigating the "new normal" (+ a bonus recipe!)

Are there any specific food which help to reduce stress?

Many of us are feeling anxious right now and cortisol levels are high. In addition to plenty of sleep, fresh air, and other de-stressing techniques, keeping sugar low can help keep cortisol levels in check. Other foods that can help with high cortisol levels include dark chocolate, black tea and probiotics.

Splendid Tip: We created a stay at home "Keep Calm Guide" packed full with recipes, arts & crafts, WFH tips and more to keep you happy and healthy during this uncertain time.

How to stick to healthy eating routine while at home?

Aim to eat three square meals and maybe one snack. If you focus on sitting at the table and using a plate and fork you’ll help convince your brain you’re having a real meal. You will feel more satisfied and full longer if you take time to eat and have a balance of protein, carbs, and healthy fats at each meal. And try to keep junk food out of sight. The old saying “out of sight out of mind” rings very true when you’re home and bored.

Splendid Tip: Our AB&J Smoothie is the perfect solution - tastes like that PB&J sandwich your mom used to make you but packed with healthy fats, complex carbs and protein to keep you satisfied for longer.

How much liquid should a person drink?

I don’t think you need to set out two gallons and force yourself to drink. Eight cups a day is a good goal and guideline for most people, adding more if you’re very athletic. But having a water bottle nearby will help you drink as often as possible, and it can never hurt to have a little more than you need!

We know it is a very strange, stressful time and we hope these tips can help keep you feeling on track. Looking to stock up? We now offer Stock Up Boxes which do not require an account or subscription and include free shipping!

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