Splendid Spoon Smoothies

Intermittent fasting isn’t new, but it’s popularity is soaring. Should you give it a try? Registered dietitian, Anita Mirchandani, explains all.

What is intermittent fasting?

Intermittent fasting is basically an eating pattern: it’s a way of scheduling your meals within a specific time frame. An intermittent fasting schedule is a way to structure your day to have a feasting period and a fasting period.

Why do it?

Many people use an intermittent fasting diet to help with weight loss  —  specifically burning fat  —  as well as blood sugar stabilization (insulin control). Depending on your chosen time frame of intermittent fasting, your body will start to burn fat when your body enters the post-absorptive state. Many people opt for 16 hour fast, and an 8 hour feast, otherwise known as a 16 8 diet. The post-absorptive state is when the digestive tract is empty and your body uses its own reserves for energy (usually 8–12 hours after your last meal).

Will it change how I feel?

You may see an increase in energy. You will see weight loss within 2–3 weeks as your body begins to conform to the intermittent fasting pattern.

Can everyone do it?

Essentially, yes. However, if you’re in a growth or recovery state (i.e. pregnancy, surgery, post-operative), it’s not recommended.

How can Splendid Spoon’s meals fit into intermittent fasting?

When you’re in the feasting state, you want to be able to maximize your nutrition and you need to make sure you’re on a healthy diet plan. It’s important to eat wholesome, highly nutritious, quality food. If you’re looking for an intermittent fasting plan, then Splendid Spoon’s meals are a good option. Splendid Spoon’s healthy meal delivery service offers a mixture of protein, fiber, carbs, and healthy fats. Eating this combination of macronutrients will help you feel full and satiated, which in turn helps you sustain your 16 hour fast or other fasting intervals.

I want to try! How do I start?

The best way to start is by creating a practical timetable and a intermittent fasting plan. For many women, I suggest eating between 8/8:30am and 7/7:30pm. The closer to sunset you stop eating, the easier it will be for your body to breakdown and digest the nutrients from dinner. This specifically affects your insulin uptake: our bodies naturally secrete melatonin as the sun goes down, which inhibits the insulin pathways. The uptake of glucose, amino acids, and fatty acids into liver, tissue, and muscle, to be stored as glycogen, lipids, and protein.

If I don’t feel well while fasting, what shall I do?

The fasting period is only a few hours post-dinner into your sleep zone and a couple of hours post-wake-up. You should transition quickly: our bodies are naturally used to this rhythm. Fasting during the day is difficult and not encouraged because we need energy (in calories) to get through our waking hours.

If you do feel off, make sure to stay hydrated. Many times dehydration is the cause of feeling faint or weak.

Change is good, but remember to give your body time to adjust. Be sure to talk with your doctor before making big dietary changes.

Curious about trying Intermittent Fasting? Splendid Spoon's meals are a simple, quick, and delicious option when restructuring your diet. Get started now with a weekly meal plan and feel the difference eating a vegan meal once or twice a day can make in your life.

Questions? Email us at hello@splendidspoon.com.