We asked you all to nominate friends and family in need of a health reset to join our month-long challenge, Spoon for a Month. You nominated so many wonderful people that it was hard for us to just choose five participants! We ended up with five wonderful women of all ages who are all committed to making their daily routines healthier and easier.

We sent four free shipments of our plant-based, ready-to-eat Breakfast + Lunch package plus dedicated support and guidance from our Community Manager, Isabel.

Each week, we asked the participants to document their experience. They focused on guided questions, filled out daily food journals, documented their highs and lows, and supported one another through a chat group. They also were encouraged to snap pictures and videos of their meals and lives to post on Instagram so that their communities could follow their journeys.

The guiding questions:

Week One: Get used to eating plant-based, learn how it feels, avoid temptation! What's been your biggest struggle this week?

Week Two: You're in the swing of things, don't give up! Try incorporating more "normal" activities into your plant-based lifestyle.

Week Three: How does it feel to have more time? What does your body feel like?

Week Four: Reflecting on your month, how do you see the habit you've formed persisting going forward?

Meet the five participants:

Giuliana Peko
Nominated by her friend Claudia, Giuliana is a 25-year-old mother of two going through chemo. She’s a loving mother and wife to an NFL football player while also battling cancer with a strong will, positive attitude, and dedication to fueling her body naturally to ensure she gets the nutrients she needs. She’s an inspiration!

Carrie Snedeker
Carrie nominated herself because she wanted to make a lifestyle change. She is a mother of five children and has dedicated herself to her family. She’s constantly trying to keep up with her kiddos and their many daily activities - five active children is no joke! Not only is she committed to a healthier lifestyle for herself, but is working to integrate healthier habits into her children's’ lives, as well.

Lily Ansel
Lily was nominated by her sister, Annabel, because she’s a dedicated law student while also working two jobs to pay off student loans. Because of this busy schedule, she typically lacks time to cook healthy meals for herself. Lily is an avid runner, hard worker and loving sister, and used this program to fuel her busy days and avoid just eating granola bars every day!

Jacqueline Cooke
Jacqueline was nominated by her co-founder of the female-led creative studio, Marque Creative. The two have been so busy getting this business started that they’ve been neglecting self care. Jacqueline is an inspiring woman in business and just needed a little support on the healthy eating front. On-the-go is her memo, and we’re so glad Splendid Spoon could be there for her.

Melanie Brown
Melanie nominated herself after finding Splendid Spoon through an advertisement. She was a stay-at-home mom for 13 years and just recently returned to work. Additionally, she was diagnosed with Lyme’s disease which has been a strain on her health and prohibited her from practicing yoga, which she loves. She wants to commit to a more plant-based lifestyle to help reduce her Lyme’s disease-related tremors and keep her healthy and lean!

Key Takeaways:

It’s not a straight line! Habit-building requires time, commitment and the understanding that there will always be ups and downs. There were highs and lows but bodies adjusted and they missed their meals on the weekends. This program allowed us to track how a month of eating Splendid Spoon truly feels!

From Carrie:
Thank you so much!  I am so happy that I was able to challenge myself with SS.  Every week as I reflect back...I see a change in myself, my family sees a change.  It’s spreading throughout my family & I love that. 2 nights ago my 10 year old snacked on celery & almond butter.  Normally she would be eating chips or something else unhealthy.  I feel so good mentally, my thoughts are clear & in a strange way...my thoughts are accurate & on point...not wildly messy. I really needed SS at this point in my life. I am a little emotional today and am in tears thinking of the progress I have made mentally, physically and emotionally....I am much stronger!!! I will forever be grateful.

From Lily:
Before starting this month with Splendid Spoon, the only quick option I had for meals were protein bars (which I always ate for breakfast and often for lunch). Splendid Spoon has shown me that it is possible to have healthy, fresh, and filling meals that are a lot more exciting than protein bars but just as easy. Since starting Splendid Spoon, I have noticed a huge change in my energy levels and my ability to focus at school and work. Overall, it’s been a great experience.

From Melanie:
Life can be crazy and full of surprises but SS kept this busy full-time working mom of two going strong with “grab and go” yummy and healthy smoothies & meals. I’m so happy I clicked on the Insta ad when I saw it!

From Jacqueline:
As a busy co-founder of a female-run creative agency, finding time to make healthy and nutritious meals can be difficult. In an Instagram story post, Jacqueline shared a pic of our Carrot Ginger Chia smoothie saying that, "Carolyn (her co-founder) was sick of me complaining about never having time to meal prep. So Splendid Spoon hooked me up. I usually think smoothies are too sweet but this was bomb. I am loving the program so far - I needed this because I am so weighed down right now!"

From Giuliana:
When I was first diagnosed, I knew I needed to make a change. Eating a balanced nutritious meal can make all the difference in the world! Splendid Spoon has made it easy to turn my life around in the best possible way!

We are so encouraged and inspired by these five participants in our first-ever Spoon for a Month challenge. Habit-building is never an easy or straight-forward thing, but once a habit is solidified, it truly can make your life better.

Are you interested in being a part of a similar challenge? Email us at spoonforamonth@splendidspoon.com and let us know why you would nominate yourself or a loved one!