Over the past few weeks, we’ve shared wellness tips from top experts in the fields of gut health, mental and holistic wellness, and skincare.
Today, we wanted to poll our team to see what works for them. Health goals are so subjective and individual, and different tactics work for everyone. See if any of our tips are helpful for you!

“Starting and ending the day with water! Treat yourself to a water bottle you love (I love the fruit infusion ones where you can add lemon, berries, cucumber, etc...) Game changer.” -Kyra, Customer Experience Associate

“Start the day with stretching. I always start my morning with a cup of coffee which takes 5-10 minutes to brew. Instead of scrolling through my phone like I normally would during this time, I've started using this time to stretch so I can start the day with some movement!” -Sam, Director of People

“Find one new recipe every week to try that features lots of veg. I love finding healthy recipes on Instagram because you can see the recipe step-by-step in video or photo form. This makes eating healthy feel fun - not a chore!” -Isabel, Community & Partnerships Manager

“Try a habit tracking app! Checking things off of a checklist is super rewarding for me. After a few months of tracking a few healthy habits I wanted to accomplish each day, they are now part of my daily routine.” -Maria, Brand Manager

“I like to make sure my fridge is STOCKED full of healthy / yummy food at the start of the week. This includes Splendid Spoon greens, fruits, veggies, grains, nuts, sourdough bread and also treats (like dark chocolate peanut butter cups or midnight moon cheese)! I love to have bowls of fruit and nuts on the countertop for easy grazing. Post grocery store I find myself walking around my kitchen admiring my bounty. I learned if I start my week with a fridge full of delicious, healthy food everything else falls into place!” -Rene, Director of Food Product

“With ADHD, habit building is hard for a few reasons. So this is less of a habit and more of a way to keep the healthy stuff in my focus! I have a plastic bin that fits in the fridge labeled "Easy Snack" in green that I put anything healthy and grabbable in, and make sure it's front and center to my eyes when I open the fridge doors. That way if my brain can't decide what it wants, I can just reach into the bin and get back to my day!” -Drew, Lead Software Developer, Frontend

“Put it in your calendar! I find having a set time or deadline holds me more accountable for personal goals!” -Sadie, Retention & Email Manager

“For days when I struggle to find motivation to be active, easing myself into the activity helps a lot. Just getting dressed for the gym helps me exponentially. If I'm really lacking motivation, I'll tell myself to just go for a walk or bike ride but once I'm there, I remember how great it feels and end up staying longer." -Jenny, Director of Brand Marketing

“I keep notebooks for my wellness goals. Nothing fancy, anything will do! I write out my weekly workout goals, while still being gentle and realistic on myself. Some days it's go super hard with all the weights, and other days it's take a walk through the neighborhood or do a 10 minute yoga routine. It's motivating to look back on the previous days when I'm feeling less excited.” -Audrey, Customer Experience Associate

"This isn't necessarily a habit but something that helps me keep my healthy habits. Remind yourself that having an off day, two or three is OK. You aren't starting over, you are human and building on the already strong foundation you've setup for yourself. You go easy on everyone else, now give yourself the same grace." -Stacie, Head of Marketing

“Forgive yourself. We can all feel bad because we miss a gym day, have that extra slice of pizza or "accidentally" eat the whole quart of ice-cream, but it's more important in how we react to these missteps than actually having them. Healthy habits form because over time we conform to that new lifestyle, but we aren't perfect. If you stray it's ok, acknowledge and accept what you've done, forgive yourself for making that mistake and move forward towards your goal.” -Hal, Head of Strategic Finance
What are your goals? Share them with us on Instagram @splendid.spoon! Splendid Spoon makes plant-based eating an easy goal to achieve, delivering 40+ meals right to your door. Get started today to take an easy step towards crushing those goals of yours! Have questions? Email us at hello@splendidspoon.com.