Let's face it - a diet change can be daunting. Relying on old eating routines to fuel your days can be easier and more comfortable than committing to breaking old norms and creating new habits. But you have to start somewhere. Whatever your reason for wanting to overhaul your food habits, from health reasons to environmental to new year's resolutions, the goal of Splendid Spoon is to make that change as easy and seamless as possible. We like to think we're a simple, mindless way to take healthy eating off of your to do list while still having a real impact.
Meet Erin*, who put this idea to the test by embarking on a 90-day complete diet overhaul. Her goal was simple – improve her health in order to avoid becoming diabetic (read more about Erin* here). She committed herself to these simple rules:
1) Eat Splendid for breakfast & lunch every weekday, and do a Reset Day monthly.
2) Move more by doing something active daily.
Here's Volume 2 of her unedited, unfiltered 90-day journey.
Day 8 - Tested _____________________________________________
While I did fine and enjoyed another solid day of sips and slurps, with snacks in between, what made today a good day had very little to do with food. My work sometimes requires me to go offsite and exhibit at conferences, conventions, etc. What this used to look like was a mandatory Starbucks stop for the ride to my destination, then indulging in whatever treats and snacks the conveners provided, followed by a decadent lunch OR whatever catering options were available. Today, however, I packed my smoothie, soup and snacks, drank water on the ride over and started my day with an apple. Upon arrival, I was warmly greeted and then encouraged to partake of the breakfast spread: coffee, my favorite creamer, muffins, breakfast bars and a host of other items in abundance. I walked right on by to set up my materials. Shortly after my arrival, our host made an announcement that she was treating everyone to a delicious lunch of cheesy chicken pasta. Ohhh noooo. Chicken, cheese AND $free.99? I was starting to get nervous. I knew right then and there that lunch was not an option, but man, did I want to take part. I thought I’d hang around just to see if there weren’t any vegetarian or vegan options...there were not. I thanked my host and made my way back to the office. What I’m learning is that so much of my less-than-stellar eating choices revolved around habits. And, while I neither feel hungry nor deprived, I just wonder if these obviously healthier foods will ever bring me the same joy and satisfaction as the first sip of a freshly-crafted latte.
Food Intake
1 Apple
Blackberry Basil Smoothie
2 Handfuls of Trail Mix
1 Grapefruit
Celery and Guacamole
Chana Potato Stew
Water - 4 x 16oz bottles
Day 9 - Tried _______________________________________________
For the past couple months, our team has been eagerly awaiting our annual “Staff Appreciation” lunch. This year, the lunch was to be catered by Catfish Station, a local Creole seafood chain. Their food is insanely good and so everyone was very much looking forward. Today was the day of said lunch, the same today that is day 9 of my Splendid journey. So, so splendid. Divine intervention made it such that I had some deadlines to meet right about the time the food was being set up, so by the time I made my way into our break room, lunch was well underway. I snagged a seat towards the end of the table and had a wildly entertaining conversation with some of my co-workers. I was asked if I had already eaten, but no one made a production of the fact that I was the only one at the table without a heaping plate of heaven. In fact, I had just finished my smoothie and munched on my trail mix not too long prior to joining the party. So, I sipped on water, and laughed and talked my way through the end of lunch. Out of curiosity, I perused the spread on my way back to my office out of curiosity, and to my great surprise, the fish was grilled! The restaurant is known for its fried seafood, and I had assumed it to be on on the menu. I happily grabbed a fillet to-go and snacked on it later that afternoon.
Food Intake
Carrot Ginger Chia Smoothie
2 Handfuls of Trail Mix
1 Fish Fillet
Celery and Guacamole
Greens and Beans Soup
Sauteed Shrimp
1 Chicken Tender
Water - 5 x 16oz bottles
Day 9 - Substitute Me ___________________________________
It is a universally accepted fact that Whole Foods and Target are the devil. We love these stores, we hate these stores. Target has me in its clutches - RIP - but I’ve been surprisingly successful at staying out of Whole Foods. So, that ended today. I had to work and it was an exceptionally beautiful day. I just needed to get out of the building and breathe fresh air. So, on my lunch break, I hop in the car and head, I thought, to the grocery store. My clearly possessed, self-driving car took me straight to Whole Foods!!! I couldn’t believe it, as I had nothing to do with this decision AT ALL. Before I got out, I talked myself through what I was to buy: a small guacamole, celery sticks, and smoked chicken wings. I didn’t see any celery, so I bought a package of broccoli florets. I should pause here and mention that the celery was to be used to dip in the guacamole, but because they didn’t have celery, I bought broccoli to go with my guacamole because apparently this is who I am now. I made my way to the register and was stopped by a lovely young man asking if I wanted to sample a delicious energy tea. Before I could respond, I heard someone ask, “Does it have sugar in it?” I looked around to see who it was and to my utter shock and disbelief, it. was. me. I (as in me) asked the nice sample guy, whose only job for that moment was to give me a free taste of a new delicious energy tea, if it had sugar in it...and when he said yes, I DECLINED THE TEA. OMG, I’m that girl.
Food Intake
1 Apple
Ab&J Smoothie
1 Handful of Trail Mix
3 Chicken Tenders
6 Smoked Drumettes
Broccoli and Guacamole
½ Kiwi
Small Bunch of Grapes
Sauteed shrimp
Water - 4 x 16oz bottles
Day 10 - Still Learning ___________________________________
I realized today that while I had some successes yesterday, I also made some less-than-great choices. Not bad, just could’ve been better. I got home rather late and hadn’t eaten since lunch. I should’ve just gone ahead and heated my soup, but instead I ate shrimp and chicken. I don’t know what I was looking for in doing that, I just think it would’ve been a better choice to have opted for the soup. I had already had a good amount of protein earlier for lunch, which was a bit of a treat. In reflecting on the choice to eat more protein once I got home, my thought is that 1. I missed an opportunity to add more veggies to my day, and 2. I didn’t really feel in control of the decision, if that makes sense. I was tired and hungry and I didn’t pause and think what was in my best interest to consume. So, I’m still figuring this thing out. BUT, I did have a much better day today. I feel as though I made good decisions and I was actively thinking about each one as opposed to mindlessly moving through the day.
Food Intake
Watermelon chunks
Vanilla Tea
Cacao Almond Smoothie
Moringa Tea
Kabocha Congee Soup
3 Chicken Tenders
Vanilla Tea
Water - 4 x 16oz bottles
Day 11 - No. More. Please. ______________________________
My coworker is vegan and has been for the past three years or so. I was telling her about my journey and she seemed impressed that I had only one detox moment. She said she felt like she had two or three during the early days of her veganism (veganhood? vegandom?) Anyhoo, if there is truth in her assessment, then I may have experienced a mini-detox last night. I had a long day and weather-wise, we basically went from winter to summer in a day. Super humid and very warm. I felt I was up on my hydration, but perhaps not as much as I thought. By the time I got home, I had a slight headache and felt like I needed to eat. I had my soup but still felt a little off. Took some Tylenol, made a little “comfort” smoothie and called it a night.
Food Intake
1 Apple
Green Matcha Smoothie
Baked Chicken Wings
Cucumber and Tomato Salad
Carrot Lentil Curry Soup
Nut Butter and Unsweetened Vanilla Ripple Milk
Hibiscus Tea
Water - 4 x 16oz bottles
Day 12 - Meh _______________________________________________
Woke up feeling great, but today was super busy from the jump, so I didn’t start eating until much later in the morning. As a result, I wasn’t as hungry as I normally am and opted against my last two sippables. I’ll probably have them tomorrow. Still feeling really good overall, but I was tired from a long day.
Food Intake
Nut Butter and Ripple Milk
Pumpkin Pear Hemp Seed Sippable
1 Grapefruit
Handful of Trail Mix
Celery Plant Sippable
Butternut Squash Ratatouille
Moringa Tea
Water - 5 x 16oz bottles
Day 13 - Lazy _______________________________________________
Woke up with a spring in my step and got to the park before daybreak! The walk felt different, like I was using alllllll these good muscles! Ate ok today, but I’m realizing that I’ve been kinda lazy this week. I didn’t cook as much, choosing to go with quick options. I think this is a slippery slope for me, so tomorrow I plan to do better.
Food Intake
Nut Butter and Flax Milk
Blackberry Basil Smoothie
Chickpea Harissa Tahini Soup
Chicken wings
Celery and guacamole
½ Banana, nut butter and cacao nibs
Water - 4 x 16oz bottles
Day 14 - Let’s Move! ______________________________________
I made the decision to do yoga on the days I don’t walk, but for some reason, I was having a hard time getting started. I think this happens to me a lot, where I am gung ho about an idea, but suuuuuuuper slow to actually start. I had to put my foot down with myself this morning and just do it. Of course, as is always the case, I really enjoyed my practice! Because I was so slow to get going this morning, I had to cut it short. However, I am picking it up first thing Saturday.
Food Intake
1 Apple
Carrot Ginger Chia Smoothie
Lemon Tea
Broccoli and Guacamole
1 Grapefruit
2 Fish Fillets
Broccoli Hempseed Soup
Banana and Nut Butter
Water - 3 x 16oz bottles
WEEK 2 IN REVIEW ________________________________________
Week 2 Starting Weight: 292.4
Ending Weight: 293
Starting Waist Measurement: 51
Ending Waist Measurement: 50
Ooooookaaaaaay, so there’s some backstory here. Last week, I technically ended at 295.7 so I technically ended this week down 2.3 lbs. However, because I am a wee bit cray cray, I was weighing daily. So, I know for a fact that I actually started the week as indicated - 292.4 - so I actually didn’t lose weight this week. I have read a bunch of articles on weight loss as it pertains to a variety of plans and approaches. So, I took a chance and had a “cheat” day to keep the metabolism fires burning. Now, here’s where things get interesting and next week will tell the story of this calculated risk. However, I am SO proud of my cheat day and even more proud of the fact that I am glad it’s over and am excited about returning to my plan.
Smoothies: I didn’t change anything in this week’s order, so nothing new to report. However, I’ve modified for next week and so I can’t wait to see what the new flavors taste like!
Soups: I can’t say enough about the soups. There were some new players in the mix - Broccoli Hemp Seed, Tahini. I love all things broccoli, so I expected to like the former, but that Tahini took me by surprise. I looked at the consistency, which is quite thick, and was not immediately sold. However, I do love a good falafel - the best being at Taim in NYC ; To. Die. For. - and tahini is integral to a good falafel, so I approached the soup in the spirit of a nod to my beloved Middle Eastern fare. Did not disappoint one bit...absolutely delicious.
Want to read more about Erin's 90 day journey? Read Volume 1 and Volume 2 and stay tuned for Volume 4 soon.
Interested in committing to a diet change yourself? Get started with a weekly delivery and see for yourself what a difference it makes. Questions? Email us at hello@splendidspoon.com.