A Note to Our Community

Hello Spoon Crew,

We wanted to take a moment to acknowledge the horrific acts of hate targeting Asians, Asian Americans, and Pacific Islanders. Following the escalated violence in the wake of COVID, the centuries of bigotry, and the microaggressions that continue to this day against our AAPI team members, community and families -- we are taking a stand to say it must stop.

"The “Spoon” in Splendid Spoon comes from my own Filipino heritage. My father’s family is from Manila and Ilocos Sur in the Philippines. The spoon was a treasured utensil at every meal -- when we sat down to eat, it was with hands and spoon or fork and spoon. Always a spoon to mix the best morsels together for each bite. This family memory of a utensil that scoops, lifts, and holds nourishment is very dear to me and symbolic of the experience we aim to create with our product experience. To our AAPI families and friends - we are here for you, we support you." Nicole Centeno, Founder & Co-CEO

Most of the time, we are talking about plant-based meals, and the amazing power of mother nature’s ingredients to help us get and stay healthy. We wanted to take a moment to really reflect on our role as a wellness provider and how we can be of service to those who continue to be targeted by hate crimes. This year has exposed for us just how tightly tangled our identities are when it comes to safety, access to resources, and access to care. Food is right there in that tangle. Today we are lifting our AAPI community by sharing a number of resources for those who need support, and for those who seek to strengthen their allyship to the AAPI community. We are also shining a light on racism in Asian cuisine. From MSG to soy to rice -- dominant white cultures have not only perpetuated false narratives about these ingredients, they have deprived people from enjoying genuinely healthful foods!

We have always considered food to be one of the most powerful ways to learn and be curious about other cultures -- sharing something delicious to eat has been a pathway for human connection since the beginning of time. This is our aspiration, and we will always strive to unify through our food and mealtimes. We’ll also speak out against the acts of hate that threaten this unity and connection, to shine a light on those who are being harmed, and to always hold space at our table for those who have been marginalized. We’ll continue to help you understand the facts about your food and the misconceptions that have arisen due to racism, and we’ll continue to learn and evolve right alongside you.

Nicole Centeno and Team Splendid

Take Action

Follow @hateisavirus @stopaapihate @aapiwomenled @asians4antiracism on Instagram

Follow these hashtags to stay up to date on resources and actions to support the AAPI community #StopAsianHate and #StopAAPIHate

Visit the Stop AAPI Hate website

Find ways to Act Now via the Stop AAPI Hate website

Visit AAJC for Resources to support and take action

Take a bystander training course like this one from Hollaback to stop Anti-Asian/American and xenophobic harassment

Support the AAPI Community Fund through donations

Tell us your story and report hate if you see it via StandAgainstHatred.com

Follow @kimsaira and @Annie_Wu_22 on Instagram for more actionable resources

Educate Yourself

Educate yourself on how Violence Against Asian Americans Is on the Rise—But It’s Part of a Long History

Read how Racism targets Asian food, business during COVID-19 pandemic

Learn about the misappropriation of Asian culture in food and wellness via @veggiekins Instagram post

Educate yourself on MSG and its historical relationship to racism. Check out the Know MSG website and Forget what you know about MSG via @antiracismdaily

Let’s talk about how we talk about soy and the historical context of soy and racism

Questions? Email us hello@splendidspoon.com