What is it about a glassful of green that makes us think we’re being so healthy?

We see it everywhere, from spandex clad ladies leaving their spin class to bearded jocks walking their dogs. A green juice in hand is anyone’s way of telling the world, “Hey, I’m healthy.”

But if you’ve spooned with us before, you know the drill. Juicing tends to be high in sugar and low in fiber, swapping the nutritional boost of whole plants for a nasty sugar spike of pure juice. But you don’t have to say bye to sipping on green for good. Quite the contrary! We have a more nutritious way to deliver green goodness to your body… cue the raw soup blend.

A blend consists of raw leafy greens along with other nutritious ingredients that are (you guessed it) blended together. No pressing. No juicing. What does that all really mean? Whole food goodness. Instead of removing all the filling fiber that might be lost in other processes, blending whole ingredients means you might actually be satisfied after drinking something green for once! (More on fiber here).

The blending process breaks down the cell wall of the greens, making water-soluble nutrients accessible that otherwise wouldn’t be. While many vegetables benefit from being slow-cooked to release more vitamins and nutrients, some water-soluble vitamins (like C and B) need to be consumed raw. We love the blends made by Luli Tonix, which is why we included them as the featured pint in our weekly plan this month!

A quick word on fiber

You know how we feel about fiber. Sure, it doesn’t sound sexy, but it’ll make you feel sexy, and that’s all that matters. Fiber is important for keeping you full, but it’s also almost magical for its detoxifying powers. Fiber clings to the cholesterol particles in your digestive tract, sweeping away impurities on its way out. It also works to prevent sugar from being absorbed in your body, and increases satiety so you are less likely to overeat.

What about Microgreens

They might look cute, but don’t confuse their size with their strength. Microgreens mean some serious business. Essentially, they’re newly sprouted seedlings of vegetables and herbs. And while they’re small, they are super concentrated in nutrients. Just imagine a mature head of broccoli, shrunken down to the size of a sprout. All the key nutrients are concentrated in one place instead of distributed throughout the mature vegetable.

Overall, microgreens tend to be higher in nutritional value, but that doesn’t mean you should skip their grown-up counterparts! They provide you with filling fiber, so instead of exchanging one for the other, simply add microgreens to your diet. Make one small change, remember?

So if you love sipping on green, make it a blend.

Skip the pressing. Skip the juicing, and opt for the whole food goodness of a green soup blend.


Health Benefits of Microgreens Uncovered
Turns out microgreens are not just a plain good-for-you food or a healthy garnish on salads and soups. Scientific…www.healwithfood.org

The Real Health Benefits of Microgreens
We've talked a bit about microgreens and their health benefits, but just how does it all breakdown when these tender…www.urbancultivator.net