Inspired by the new documentary, "The Game Changers", here are 20 celebs who swear by the diet choice, proving that plant-based is no fad - it's a lasting choice that's great for you AND the environment.

  1. Serena Williams
    When her sister Venus was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, Serena decided to change her diet as well. She now eats a mostly plant-based diet, learning with her sister how to change her diet to consist of lots of smoothies and raw foods.
  2. Mike Tyson
    When he was professionally boxing, Mike Tyson was consuming a lot of animal products. However, as he aged, he began to realize the effect it was having on his body. He made the change to a plant-based diet in 2008 after watching his partner turn to veganism and has been an outspoken advocate for eating a plant-based diet since. He says this diet has made him feel and look better, revealing that he lost 130 lbs by changing his eating habits!
  3. Zac Efron
    For his role in “Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile,” Zac Efron turned to a plant-based diet to tone up for the role. This lifestyle change is one he’s stuck with after finishing the film. He told Teen Vogue “That [veganism] completely changed the way that my body works, and the way that I metabolize food, the way it turns into energy, the way that I sleep. It's been brilliant. It’s been great for my exercise, and great for my routine."
  4. Beyoncé
    In anticipation for her 2018 Coachella performance, Queen Bey turned to her personal trainer for advice on getting her body back post-baby. Inviting her fans to join her, Beyonce followed a vegan diet for 44 days and sticks to a mostly plant-based with her partner Jay-Z diet when not preparing for touring.
    After finishing filming The Voice in December 2018, began his plant-based journey in an effort to get back in control of his health. “After we finished filming [The Voice] in December I went home, I became vegan, I biked to work, and I lost 15 lb,” he said. Since then, the rapper has become an advocate for all aspects of a vegan lifestyle.
  6. Madonna
    Madonna follows a strict macrobiotic diet that removes wheat, eggs, meat, and dairy from her diet. This diet is not for everyone - it’s quite an intense form of being plant-based.
  7. Ellen Pompeo
    After reading Dr. Funk’s book “Breasts: The Owner’s Manual”, Ellen Pompeo transitioned her whole family to a vegan diet. Of the change, the actress says, "I don’t think it’s tricky at all — it’s actually easier because meat you have to cook it before it goes bad. Grains and lentils and rice and beans, everything’s in the pantry already.”
  8. Laverne Cox
    In 2017, the actress and LGBT activist adopted a vegan lifestyle. Since moving to plant-based, she says she feels “so much better” and as an animal rights advocate, she’s definitely making a positive impact!
  9. Ellen DeGeneres
    After a being vegan for a while, DeGeneres spoke of how difficult it can be to adopt an entirely animal-product-free lifestyle. She’s since spoken about her flexitarian lifestyle, which is an easier way to reduce the amount of animal products you’re consuming. She says “...In the last year or two for no real reason, I started eating a piece of fish once in a while. Or I'll eat eggs from chickens I know - if they are in someone's backyard or are happy." She’s been vocal about reducing the amount of meat people eat, most recently creating this video urging people to reduce their animal product intake.
  10. Olivia Wilde
    Olivia has gone back and forth between veganism and vegetarianism in recent years, admitting that it can be difficult to commit to an entirely animal product-free lifestyle. "[Being vegan] is not always easy and accessible, but it's a way of life and makes me as a person feel really good and physically look better," Wilde shared with the Huffington Post.
  11. Michelle Pfeiffer
    Michelle Pfeiffer went vegan for several reasons - for her health, but also to maintain her complexion! She told Urbanette, "Eating a vegan diet — it's just so much healthier — and you avoid a lot of toxins that could age your skin and your body. I really noticed a difference in my skin not too long after switching to fully vegan.”
  12. Kristen Bell
    Since the age of 11, Kristen Bell has been a vegetarian. After watching the documentary, “Forks Over Knives” in 2012, she adopted an entirely vegan diet. While no longer committing to a fully vegan diet, the actress continues to eat plant-based. In addition to her eating choices, Bell started a plant-based and cruelty-free baby company, Hello Bello, with her husband, Dax Shepherd.
  13. Meghan Markle
    Similar to Ellen DeGeneres, Meghan Markle is a flexitarian. In a 2016 interview with Best Health, Markle said, “I try to eat vegan during the week and then have a little bit more flexibility with what I dig into on the weekends. But at the same time, it’s all about balance.” While no longer entirely vegan, the Duchess committed to a vegan diet while pregnant with Prince Archie.
  14. Jennifer Lopez
    In order to reach her health goals in 2014, Lopez turned to her exercise physiologist, Marco Borges. He recommended a 22-day vegan diet which she stuck to and the results were fantastic, allowing her to shed an entire dress size. Of the change, she said, “I enjoy eating this way. I never did and I didn’t know how good you can feel when you put healthy stuff in your body.” While no longer committing to a fully vegan lifestyle, Lopez tries to only eat lean proteins and avoid red meat, similar to a flexitarian diet.  
  15. Brad Pitt
    While unconfirmed, Brad Pitt is said to have followed a vegan diet for years. While not outspoken on the decision, the actor has  committed to a plant-based diet for health and environmental reasons for many years.
  16. Demi Moore
    Demi Moore may be in her 50s, but she sure doesn’t look like it! She takes plant-based eating to a whole other level, focusing on raw vegan foods that consist mainly of raw veggies, fruit and nuts or seeds. It can be tough to constantly be in the spotlight like Demi, but by committing to her health and working to constantly love herself, she’s been able to stay fit and happy all these years.
  17. Kate Winslet
    Kate Winslet is well known for her acting skills, but did you know she’s also a committed vegetarian? The seasoned actress has been a vegetarian for years now, and she looks amazing! Additionally, her husband is vegan, so their household is always full of plant-based food.
  18. Carrie Underwood
    Carrie swears by a plant-based diet. As a mom and country music star, she is well-known for her rockin’ bod, glowing skin and bubbling personality. She attributes her health to her vegetarian diet, which she began years ago. Recently, she has been making the transition to a fully vegan lifestyle.
  19. Diane Keaton
    Diane Keaton stays beautiful even as she ages through a vegetarian diet and a strong sense of self confidence. Her routine is: spin, skip meat and 'walk really fast.' She mentions that, “I'm a vegetarian now. I don't eat meat or fish. I eat eggs and cheese,” she says. “And I do watch what I eat.” Plants are her secret weapon for staying strong and beautiful in every stage of her life.
  20. Drew Barrymore
    Drew committed to a plant-based lifestyle leading up to filming Santa Clarita Diet. Eating vegetarian allows her to live her best life, shed unwanted pounds and feel amazing. She with a nutritionist, Kimberly Snyder, author of “The Beauty Detox Solution”, who recommends eating lots of greens and unprocessed, whole foods. Drew didn’t go fully vegan, but instead has transformed herself through eating mainly plant-based with only small portions of fish or meat every once in a while.

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