It’s finally upon us again - that glorious time of year when we get to spend precious time with friends and family, celebrate the holidays, honor traditions, and eat delicious food. However, as is so often the case around the holidays, that one unwelcomed guest often decides to make an appearance at the most inconvenient times - and no, we’re not talking about Uncle Bobby with the unforgivable Hawaiian shirts and dry-as-dust fruitcake. No, instead we’re talking about the gurgles, the bloating, the urgency (or full stoppage) - the pesky gut distress. We’ve all been there to some degree, and not feeling your best during the fun festivities can really take the sparkle out of your tinsel!

Along with getting lots of restorative sleep, staying hydrated, eating consistent meals, and managing stress, here are some amazing gut-friendly desserts you can prep to enjoy over the holidays - and beyond! - to help show your gut some love. Give the gift of gut-health this holiday season, and share these awesome dishes with loved ones too! Packed with fiber, fruits, natural sweeteners, healthy fats, and gut-healing ingredients like collagen and gelatin (which can be swapped for plant-based alternatives or omitted if following a fully-vegan diet), these desserts will have your tummy humming a happy jingle in no time. Happy cooking!

Digestion Shot Mocktail

A delicious mocktail that is good for the gut, and keeps the body happy!

6 oz Splendid Spoon Digestion Shot
2 tsp of apple cider vinegar
~2 cups of sparkling water
4 cloves
2 Star anise
2 Cinnamon sticks (Ceylon if possible)
1-2 tsp of honey (Optional)
Apple peel/slices for garnish


  1. Add ACV, Digestion Shot, cinnamon sticks, star anise, cloves, and honey (if desired) to a saucepan. Allow to simmer on low heat to integrate the flavors.
  2. Remove mixture from heat and let cool to room temperature.
  3. Add ice to a cocktail glass.
  4. Strain half of Digestion Shot mixture and add to cocktail glass.
  5. Top with sparkling water.
  6. Garnish with apple peel/slices. Enjoy!

Chocolate-Covered Mint Chip “Ice-Cream” Bars

A yummy alternative to store-bought ice cream bars that can be made at home! Perfectly festive for the holidays with chocolate-peppermint vibes. 6 servings.

2 Splendid Spoon Mint Chip Smoothies
½ cup of full-fat coconut milk
2 tbsps of maple syrup (optional)
1 tsp vanilla extract (optional)
1 cup dark chocolate chips
2 tbsps coconut oil
Coconut shreds, flaky sea salt, cacao nibs, sprinkles, or any other topping of choice


  1. In a bowl, combine the smoothies, coconut milk, maple syrup, and vanilla extract
  2. Pour the mixture into circular silicone ice cream disc molds (popsicle molds work just fine as well). Add natural wood sticks if desired.
  3. Freeze the pops for 24 hours.
  4. Once fully frozen, melt the chocolate chips and coconut oil together in the microwave, or in a stove-top double-boiler until smooth.
  5. Dip the frozen pops in the chocolate, or spoon the chocolate over the bars until evenly coated.
  6. Sprinkle on toppings (before the chocolate has set) if desired, and place the bars in the freezer for 30 minutes.
  7. Remove from the freezer 5 minutes before consuming. Enjoy!

Blue Majik Rice Pudding

Cereal-milk-flavored rice pudding? Sign us up! This fun, inventive dessert using our Blue Majik Smoothie contains easy-to-digest white rice and warming spices to bring a sluggish gut back to life. 2 servings.


3 cups of Splendid Spoon Blue Majik Smoothie, or another smoothie of choice (approx. 1.5 bottles)
¼ cup long-grain white rice, rinsed and drained
1 tsp vanilla extract
Dash of maple syrup, to taste
Pinch of sea salt
Dash of cinnamon
Coconut whipped cream
Chocolate drizzle, optional


  1. Combine smoothies, maple syrup, vanilla extra, and salt in a saucepan on the stovetop. Bring to a low boil.
  2. Add the rice, and reduce heat to a simmer. Cook for about 45 minutes, stirring frequently to prevent sticking.
  3. Remove from heat, and transfer to a glass dish for chilling.
  4. Chill in the refrigerator for a few hours, or overnight. The chilling time will also help to set and thicken the pudding further.
  5. Spoon into a serving dish or jar, and top with coconut whipped cream and a sprinkle of cinnamon or chocolate. Enjoy!

Dragonfruit Berry Smoothie Chia Pudding

With gut-loving chia and collagen as the co-stars of this dessert, this tropical take on chia seed pudding will be an exciting, colorful addition to your holiday table - or breakfast! 1-2 servings.


1 Splendid Spoon Dragonfruit Berry Smoothie
4 tbsps chia seeds
1 scoop vanilla or unflavored collagen (omit if following a fully-vegan diet)
Splash of plant milk of choice
1 kiwi, sliced
Coconut yogurt, shredded coconut, granola, coconut whipped cream, or other toppings of choice


  1. Add the smoothie, plant milk, collagen, and chia seeds to a jar or bowl.
  2. Whisk vigorously to evenly distribute the seeds.
  3. Place the jar or bowl in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.
  4. After the 15 minutes is up, whisk the pudding again to avoid clumping.
  5. Repeat steps 3 & 4 once more, then let the jar sit in the refrigerator for 4-6 hours, or overnight.
  6. Once the pudding is set, the chia seeds will appear to have grown in size, and the pudding will have a gelatinous texture.
  7. Line a glass bowl or jar (because we fancy!) with sliced kiwi, and pour the pudding into the container.
  8. Sprinkle on toppings, and enjoy!

Digestion/Immunity Shot Jello

Gelatin is a wondrous ingredient for our gut linings, and this jello packs a punch! Starring our digestion-supporting shot, you will never go back to boxed jello again! 6-8 small servings.


4 Splendid Spoon Digestion Shots
1 Splendid Spoon Immunity Shot
½ cup coconut water
3-4 tbsps gelatin, depending on desired firmness (may be substituted for vegetable gelatin - adjust prep work as needed)


  1. On the stovetop, combine your shots in a saucepan and heat, bringing to a low boil.
  2. Meanwhile, bloom your gelatin in the coconut water in a shallow bowl.
  3. Once boiled, remove your shots from the stove, and add the bloomed gelatin - whisking quickly and vigorously to evenly distribute.
  4. Pour the mixture into a glass dish or bowl (a shallow Pyrex storage dish works great!) and transfer to the refrigerator, uncovered.
  5. Allow to cool uncovered in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours, and continue to set for 6 hours total or overnight.
  6. Once set, slice or spoon, and enjoy!

Your New Favorite Smoothie Bowl

This is a great dessert or easy breakfast idea for the day-after a big meal to give your tummy some extra lovin’! 1-2 servings.


1 Splendid Spoon Smoothie of choice
1 scoop vanilla or unflavored collagen (omit if following a fully-vegan diet)
1 tbsp maple syrup, optional
1 scoop protein powder of choice, optional
2 tbsps ground chia or flax seeds, optional
Toppings: fresh fruit, coconut yogurt, honey, bee pollen, nut butter, granola, cacao nibs or dark chocolate chips, shredded coconut, chopped nuts, dates, gluten-free cereal, etc.


  1. In a bowl, combine the smoothie, collagen, maple syrup, and protein powder until fully incorporated.
  2. Add in the ground chia or flax, and whisk to evenly distribute.
  3. Place the bowl in the refrigerator for 15 minutes, to let the seeds thicken the smoothie bowl. If you’d prefer your smoothie bowl thinner, do not add the seeds.
  4. Remove from the refrigerator, and add any toppings of choice. It’s that simple! Enjoy!

Pumpkin Spice Cheesecake Bites

Audrey, Vegan baking expert, whipped up this no-bake, fiber-rich treat with our Pumpkin Spice Smoothie for a fun holiday dessert! 8 servings.

You will need:
Pan of Choice - A 1-quart loaf pan works best if you’re going for slices. Be sure to line it with parchment paper first. Or, try making the bites in a (lightly greased) muffin tin or silicone mold!


For the Crust
3 (vegan-friendly) graham cracker sheets, crushed
4 teaspoons melted coconut oil
Optional: 1 teaspoon maple syrup

For the Filling
½ cup raw cashews, soaked in boiling water for 30 minutes then drained
4 oz Splendid Spoon Pumpkin Spice Smoothie
1 tablespoon lemon juice
2 tablespoons maple syrup
¼ tsp vanilla extract
⅛ tsp salt
1 tablespoon vegan cream cheese, room temperature
2 tablespoons pumpkin puree 


  1. Soak your raw cashews in boiling water for 30 minutes, prior to starting the crust.
  2. Prepare your crust — Use a food processor, blender, or any other method of choice to finely crush your graham crackers. Mix in the melted coconut oil, and an optional added teaspoon of maple syrup for a bit sweeter taste. Press this mixture into your lightly greased molds or pan lined with parchment paper. Keep pressing until an even layer forms on the bottom. Transfer to the freezer to set for at least 15 minutes while you prep the filling.
  3. Prepare your filling — Drain the soaked cashews and add them to a blender, along with the 4 ounces of Pumpkin Spice Smoothie, lemon juice, maple syrup, vanilla extract, and salt. Blend until smooth. Scrape down the sides and add your pumpkin puree and softened vegan cream cheese, or cream cheese of choice. Blend again until thoroughly combined.
  4. After at least 15 minutes, take your crust out of the freezer and gently pour the filling over top of the crust. Cover your cheesecake and transfer it into the freezer again, and set for about 4 hours.
  5. Once your cheesecake is set it’s ready to enjoy! Store in the freezer, and allow bites to come to room temperature a bit before serving.

Questions? Have recipes of your own to share with us? Reach out to us at anytime! Happy making!