Get ready for summer with an easy-to-follow Meal Plan developed by our Founder Nicole Centeno, and our Registered Dietitian Johane Filemon! No prep required, just receive your deliveries! Not a customer? Sign up now!
"Sometimes you just want someone else to do the thinking for you! I’m happily flexitarian, and sometimes I need a nice kickstart to get more fruits and veggies in my diet. I worked with Johane Filemon, our awesome Registered Dietitian to make sure our guide would give food lovers like myself lots of opportunities to try different flavors and textures - and with calorie counts that take into account eating the WHOLE container. I love it because it really gets me in the habit of eating more frequently and more plant-based. Plus, it’s flexible so if I’m still hungry there’s space for another meal or snack too." - Nicole, Founder & Co-CEO

Here’s how it works:
You: Order a complete week of Splendid: Our Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner program (includes 5 smoothies, 5 soup or grain bowls, 5 light soups, and 5 noodle bowls) and your choice of shots and green juices for snacks.
We: Will provide you with a comprehensive Splendid Spoon Meal Guide for every meal time, and customizable weekly Meal Plan calendar.
Meal Guide Explained:
We’ve broken our meals into light, moderate, and hearty meals, and divided them up by meal times. The meal plan will provide guidance for how many of each meal category you should eat per day, but listen to your body! Some days you might need an extra hearty meal after an intense workout, other days you might opt for lighter meals.
Meal Plan Explained:
We admit, this is more than just a meal plan. This is a guide to help you feel your best, day in and day out! Not only do we pre-plan your mealtimes and give guidance on what to choose from our Meal Guide, we encourage you to stay mindful about ALL the ways you can feel your best, not just through food. Take time to move throughout your day, as well as finding moments of calm.
Monday - Friday:
- Wake up: Start your day with a big glass of water!
- Breakfast: 1 moderate smoothie, plus fruit of choice
- Morning Refreshment: 1 green juice
- Lunch: 1 moderate soup/grain bowl, 2 glasses water
- Afternoon Snack: 1 green juice and 1 light soup
- Dinner: 1 hearty noodle or soup/grain bowl, 2 glasses water
- Open Space: 1 additional light meal or an extra piece of fruit - wherever it fits in your day
- Movement: Dance, walk, stretch - your choice for 15 minutes, go :)
- Calm: You deserve a moment of quiet relaxation - 15 minutes to journal, meditate, or express gratitude
Saturday and Sunday:
We call these the ‘wander’ days - no meal plan! Trust your intuition and eat what feeds your soul. Try to get outside and take a walk to enjoy the fresh air, and don’t forget to hydrate throughout the day!