We asked four Barry's instructors how they stay motivated, what they eat pre/post workout and what it's like to be a fitness instructor. Read on to get motivated!

Katie Wang

1. How do you like to fuel your workouts & refuel post workout?

I always try to have a balanced breakfast at least an hour before any workout and right after I love to refuel with a shake before my next big meal!

2. How do they stay motivated to keep active / keep a healthy routine?

For me I try to stay balanced and not overdo it in order to keep a healthy routine - this helps me avoid burnout. I also always try to get ample sleep and hydration so I feel energized each day and of course never forget the power of a rest day!

3. What's your favorite Splendid meal and why?

My favorite Splendid meal was definitely the Kimchi Fried Quinoa because I feel like it's something I would never be able to make on my own!

4. Any fun facts you'd like to share with our community?

Fun fact: while I admire chefs I personally hate cooking and when I do have to cook I always feel so unimaginative - so having Splendid Spoon both fueled me pre and post workout AND helped me live my culinary chef fantasy!

Garret Caillouet

1. How do you like to fuel your workouts & refuel post workout?

I love to keep my body fueled with a high protein/high carb diet. I ALWAYS try to get my protein in via meal or shake within 2 hours of working out!

2. How do you stay motivated to keep active / keep a healthy routine?

The most important things I ask myself: Do I feel good? Am I proud of the effort I put in today?

As long as I can answer yes to both of these questions, I am happy with my workout and the choices I made!

3. Anything you'd like to share with our community?

My favorite way to stick with my health and wellness goals is by finding fun activities and food to experience that are outside of the box! I love to practice aerial acrobatics as a fun way to stay fit and flexible!

Taryn Brooks

1. How do you like to fuel your workouts & refuel post workout?

I am active constantly so I try and give my body the cleanest ingredients to fuel it for my workouts. Lots of protein and veggies, mixed with carbs, sweet potatoes are my favorite. :)

2. How do you stay motivated to keep active / keep a healthy routine?

Exercise has always been such a big part of my life from a young age, but as I have gotten older it has become my therapy. Moving my body just resets my day, it gives me a sense of calm that really nothing else does. That inner peace and clarity is the driving force behind all of my workouts. There have been MANY times where I thought, wow, I really do not want to do this right now. But I have never once regretted a workout or moving my body. I always feel so much better and calmer on the other side of it.

3. What's your favorite Splendid meal and why?

Oh wow, everything I have tried is so good! I really love the Vegan Meatballs & Marinara Noodles.

4. Any fun facts / things you want to share with our community?

The Splendid Spoon Detox Shot did help me bounce back from a horrific hangover after my friends made me play a game called "shot roulette"... don't play. But if you do... make sure you have a detox shot on hand for the next day.

Tommy Stracke

1. How do you like to fuel your workouts & refuel post workout?

I like to fuel my pre-workout with coffee or a little caffeine (I try to stay all natural)! Caffeine releases adrenaline and adrenaline just makes me feel less pain so I can push outside my comfort zone during a workout ;) Post-workout I love to refuel with a smoothie of fruit, quickly absorbing protein and hydrate.

2. How do you stay motivated to keep active / keep a healthy routine?

I stay motivated to keep moving and to keep health because it makes me feel clear. Movement makes me feel healthy and happy. An added layer of motivation is the Barry's community. We push each other to show up to put in the work and at the end we high-five and reenter the world a little stronger mentally and physically.

3. What's your favorite Splendid meal and why?

I live on the go and I have to admit I neglect to prepare as I run out the door, so grabbing a Splendid Smoothie for my is my favorite on the go meal to fill the gaps and feed the body.

4. Any fun facts / things you want to share with our community?

Many people that take my classes don't know that as a child and into teenage years I worked at my Dad's Dunkin' Donut shop. On the weekends I was surrounded by the aroma of deep fried donuts and powdered sugar.  It was a super tempting environment to not overindulge but it encouraged me to find a balance with food, especially sweets. I haven't stopped loving donuts but I've learned to reward myself after a health week :)

We loved hearing how these Barry's instructors stay healthy and motivated. Want some help with your healthy diet? Sign up for Splendid Spoon today and get plant-based, ready-made meals delivered to your door.

Questions? Email us at hello@splendidspoon.com