Get ready to glow! Over the next 21 days, you’ll build the foundation for sustainable healthy habits. But where to begin? We’ve broken it down into simple steps, so you can feel empowered to set – and crush – achievable goals.

Step 1:

Identify your goals, and how they align with your values. Then tell someone about them! Sharing your goals with a support system increases the likelihood they’ll stick, since you have support and accountability. Learn more about how to set S.M.A.R.T. goals here!

Step 2:

Break down your goals into smaller segments. Then, tackle one action item at a time until you reach your ultimate goal. Studies show it takes 21 days to build a lasting habit, so let’s choose 4 health goals to achieve over the course of our 21-Day Reset. Not sure where to start? Our experts are here to help.


Eat 1 plant-based meal per day over the next 3 weeks. Our Registered Dietitian, Johane M. Filemon, MS, RDN, CLT, suggests – for at least one meal a day – to fill half of your plate with at least 2-3 colors of non-starchy vegetables. You can pair kale with red onions or red bell peppers, yellow squash with tomatoes, or sauteed mushrooms with carrots. Filling up on non-starchy colorful veggies or fruits is a great way to increase fiber and support digestive and immune health. You may find that one plant-based meal is easy to incorporate into your routine, and want to add a second one!


Drink one glass of room temperature water every morning when you wake up. We are 99% water at a molecular level, and 89% at a cellular level. Most folks do not drink water, so starting this one habit can shift how your cells do their function of creating energy or detoxifying.


Take 2 capsules of Daily Cleanse every morning with or after breakfast with a tall glass of water. Daily Cleanse is the perfect supplement to begin your day with because it supplies gentle detoxifiers that support elimination of impurities, while promoting healthier skin. Water will also help get your digestive system moving.


An easy, 3-step routine that'll take you less than 5 minutes!

  • Step 1: Cleansing. Use circular motions to get all the dirt off the skin.
  • Step 2: Chebula Active Serum. This plumps the skin with hyaluronic acid, and the chebula’s antioxidant properties fight against free radical damage that ages your skin.
  • Step 3: Moisturize with Pure Radiance Oil. It’s packed with omega fatty acids to help repair and replenish your skin’s barrier for glowing, hydrated skin!

Step 3:

Track your progress for 21 days! Studies show that writing down your goals, and tracking them through a visible format, helps them stick. You can download our goal tracker below where you can fill in the habits you want to complete over the next 3 weeks, and check in each day as you progress.

Download your printable goal tracker here!

Not only will this build the foundation for wellness all year long, but having a checklist will help with accountability and time management, two of the toughest parts of working toward a new goal.

Questions? Learn more about the 21-Day Splendid Reset here, or email us at Be sure to follow along with our 21 days of content on Instagram @splendid.spoon! Interested in getting started? Sign up for a plan today to start reaching your goals!